Friday 27 January 2017

The art of making lectures more engaging and entertaining by Garr Reynolds

Today, while preparing notes for my class, I came across a wonderful video by TEDx (The speaker is Garr Reynolds) on the subject of the presentation in lectures/teaching. He says, "No More Boring Lectures!" Therefore, he suggests some effective ways which can engage students or make your class more interesting. In other words, classes can be interesting and engaging not boring. Is it really possible? However, it is challenging, but professors/lecturers/teachers can do it with some extra efforts. Garr has written four best-selling books on presentations including Presentation Zen, an award-winning book that has been translated into 17 languages and available all over the world. The key learnings/takeaways from the video are:

  1. The entertaining lectures (Use videos/activities):
    A professor/teacher can learn from a musician/stand-up comedian/or any other artist, how to make the class more engaging. In the context of India, we can learn this from Kapil Sharma (comedian) or AR Rahman (Musician). Present the audience what they want in the way they want. For instance, while teaching accounting or finance (my subjects), you should cite live examples from the real business world. This would be interesting and helpful for the students for the preparation of the interviews/placements. Give the students recent updates of the government policies and your insights regarding these policies (For example, GST rollout and its implications for share market/different sectors). This is time-taking, but you will rock the class. Students will love you and cite you everywhere. Your goodwill will reach all management institutes' campuses by their grapevine (even without going there).

  2. The art of storytelling:
    Every topic should be discussed. Every class should begin with, why this topic is important? and what are the real life examples of that? Then the class should discuss the nitty-gritty of the topic. Everything should be described as a story.

  3. More engaging:
    Only PPTs may make the class drab and boring. Hence, videos, activities, Q&As, and discussion among students could be a great savior. As we all know that information transmission (PPTs and lectures) does not equal learning at all. Therefore, lectures must be so engaging and entertaining that students do not want to miss your class. As interesting as a blockbuster movie.

  4. Never consider yourself an expert:
    Never ever consider yourself the master of a subject because we all are just exploring the subject. Gaining expertise over a subject is like a continuum. Hence, you will always find people better or inferior to you. Try to improve yourself. Do not have a false ego. Sometimes our students might be more prepared as compared to us. Hence, allow students to disagree in the class. Make your students follow this route always: Curiosity --->Explore --> Imagination --> Learning.

    The tips for better preparation and delivery of the lectures can be found on the official website of Garr Reynolds. Similarly, there are many other websites, we can google them. But all lectures could be entertaining and engaging. YES, IT IS NOT  IMPOSSIBLE!

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