Friday 23 September 2016

ARIMA Modelling in R

Hello friends,
I have tried to keep it very simple. ARIMA stand for Auto-Regressive Integrated Moving Average. It is a very simple technique of time-series forecasting. Here the terms are:
Auto-Regressive: Lags of the variable itself
Integrated: Differencing steps required to make stationary
Moving Average: Lags of previous information shocks

Different Names of ARIMA
AR Model: If only AR terms are there, i.e. ARIMA(1,0,0) = AR (1)
MA Model: If only error terms are there, i.e. ARIMA(0,0,1) = MA (1)
ARMA: If both are there, i.e. ARIMA(1,0,1) = ARMA(1,1)
ARIMA: If differencing term is also included, i.e. ARIMA(1,1,1) = ARMA(1,1) with first differencing
ARIMAX: If some exogenous variables are also included.

The data should be stationary

  1.  Better understand the time-series patterns
  2.   Forecasting based on the ARIMA

Captures only linear relationship, hence, Neural network models could be used if a non-linear  association is found in the variables. 

The procedure is as follows to fit ARIMA (Box-Jenkins Approach):
  1. Make correlograms (ACF and PACF): PACF will indicate AR terms and ACF will show MA terms.
  2. Fit the model
  3. Find the residuals and do diagnostic tests. If the residuals are IID, then the fitted model is good. Otherwise, repeat the same process.
  4. Use the fitted model for the forecasting purpose.
Please watch the video to learn how to do ARIMA modelling in R:


  1. Hello,

    where you have downloaded the Currency Data

    please share the link

    Thanks and Regards, '
    Brijesh Soni


  2. Hello,

    I have question relate with lags.Namely for Box.test you take 10-lags for testing autocorrelation.So my question is how to determine numbers of lags for testing Box.test(any rule for example for montly data?)

  3. i want to know how to run the arima codes

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. How you got that currency [1687:1706,8]?

  6. Nice article. Thanks for sharing.
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